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Phases of the Course

1: Clarity

Knowing your TRUE SELF is most important. And it will put everything else, especially intimacy and love, into perspective. It will also allow you to love another woman without the risk of ever losing yourself again. It will aid you in finding love with someone you have a lot in common with. But this does not mean you have to love yourself 100% before you are ready to find True Love. What it does mean is that you take an oath to know yourself in the best way you can so that you have easy access to your TRUE NATURE as much as possible.

Once you have a good understanding of who you really are – both the good and bad traits that all human beings possess, then you can find the love and compassion to treat yourself with dignity, respect, compassion and love.

Then you can embrace that YOU ARE ENOUGH just the way you are so that you are truly ready to meet another woman who is just as lovable, healthy and available as you are.

2: Healing

The Secret Formula to Finding the One I call The Sapphic Solution. It is a Lesbian/Queer-Affirmative Psycho-Spiritual formula that can change your life. The bottom line is therapy alone will not fix your intimacy issues. Especially therapy that does not take into account your intimacy issues as a lesbian.
The world has changed – when I first became a therapist – trauma and LGBTQ-affirmative psychotherapy were not even buzzwords! Mindfulness practices, trauma-focused treatment and Law of Attraction were just coming on the scene.  The spiritual movement – while essential to healing today – had not yet integrated with psychology  – and there were a lot of people skipping over trauma and childhood issues – hoping to avoid dealing with them altogether.

But today I combine lesbian/queer women-oriented psychology and spirituality to create a powerful and much faster acting healing process than traditional talk therapy.

I have been a practicing therapist for 18 years. I have been in years and years of therapy myself so I completely understand and believe in its value. And after all of that, I have found that there are quicker ways to getting the results you want when you know exactly what it is you want. In the Sapphic Solution, I combine the most potent and effective therapeutic, scientific and spiritual tools based in a lesbian-affirmative lens.

Almost all relationship techniques out there are created by and for straight people. But as lesbians and queer women, we are unique – our issues are unique. This formula moves mountains of unconscious blocks that are standing in your way of finding true love and happiness by combining the most effective psychological and spiritual tools around. Together you can heal in a way that makes your attraction to that ONE woman that is perfect for you powerful beyond belief.

3: Action

After spending 2 months getting clarity and healing, we’ll now go into a map on how

  • Figure out who is right for you

  • A comprehensive dating plan

  • A step-by-step game guide on how to create the healthiest and most loving relationship you have ever had.

Not only that, you'll finally be able to keep your internal freedom and independence intact. You go out there ready to meet her feeling empowered, happy, and able to trust yourself. This is because you have learned the practical tools you did not know before, which you systematically use as you get out there to meet her.


The Art of Lesbian & Queer Love is perfect for you if:


You are SO ready for this - you have been ready for years but keep putting it off thinking it will magically fix itself (I so get it; you are NOT alone) or the last relationship would be different.


You are a self-starter who does well once given a road-map, a path on how to get from A-Z, a safe and relatable community and a nudge here and there to keep going.


A solid, kind and supportive approach to healing this most sensitive of areas - our hearts. If you love guidance, kindness, and loving support then you have come to the right place.

The Lesbian Love Method

The Old Way

  • Years and years of traditional therapy based on a heterosexual model

  • Little tools on how to find your new love is part of the process

  • Spirituality and psychology are entities you navigate separately OR you do one or the other but not both at the same time

  • You continue to hope for the best and date without understanding your emotional, psychological and spiritual blocks

  • You cycle in and out of relationships and get hurt over and over again OR you guard yourself from getting hurt ending up single for more years than you would like to say hoping that things will change on their own


This is what is called  “ cross your fingers approach”

And what I call -  a very risky way to handle your one precious heart

The New Way: 

  • Psychological and spiritual tools from a lesbian/queer women-affirmative perspective

  • Work on Inner blocks, fears and attachment styles

  • Lesbian-Oriented Lens

  • Childhood Understanding as it relates to romantic love and intimacy

  • Learning How the Women’s Brain Works

  • Learn Your Attachment Style

  • Culturally sensitive look at your own gender and sexual identity

  • Mindset, Manifestation and Spiritual Direction

You're ready for this. Sign up today!

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